Vineyard Blog

10 Ways to Usher in Spring in Cape Town

2020-11-05 12:09:59

Spring has made a very sudden appearance in Cape Town, here are our tips on how to make the most of it! Winter has come to an abrupt end and as if someone has flipped a switch, Spring is here. A few sweltering days have already given us an indication of the hot... read more...

Hunting for snow in the South African winter

2020-11-05 12:09:59

Tips and tricks on how and where to find snow in the Western Cape of South Africa A cosy cottage blanketed in dazzlingly white snow, a roaring fire in a stone fireplace, a good read and a mug of hot chocolate – it’s the ultimate winter dream! Living in a country where the... read more...

Work, Save, Travel, Repeat

2020-11-05 12:09:59

7 realistic ways to save smartly so you can travel more! With the costs of flights, accommodation and car hire, travel is no cheap affair but isn’t it oh-so worth it? You simply cannot put a price on the thrills of discovering a new destination and the memories you make on every journey. So, in... read more...

4 Amazing Cape Town Scenic Drives

2020-11-05 12:09:59

Sometimes the journey alone is the destination. Especially when we’re on holiday, we tend to pack our days with activities: things to do, things to see, things to tick off our bucket list. But sometimes the most precious moments are the ones in between: taking a deep breath of fresh, salty air, pulling over to take... read more...

Top Spots for Tourist Kids in and around Cape Town

2020-11-05 12:09:59

Younger children have some very ‘unorthodox needs’, these can include the need to have enough space to move freely without noise restrictions while achieving the illusion of no rules. Not to mention the need for freedom and fun to be unboxed, the need and yet-to-be-bottled desire to let all forms of being a child well... read more...

5 Must Have Experiences in Cape Town

2020-11-05 12:09:59

Picnic or concert in the park at Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens In the summer months, an outdoor concert in the gardens at Kirstenbosch is a must. When its cooler, you can take in the spectacular layout of the gardens and enjoy a walk along the ‘Boomslang’ (meaning Tree Snake, so named because the structure was inspired... read more...

Why a Day Trip to Boulders Beach is Worth The Drive

2020-11-05 12:09:59

Penguins! Need we say more? Who doesn’t love these feathered black and white waddlers with their braying voices and beady eyes made famous in films like Happy Feet (and for good reason!) – penguins on land are cute but clumsy and do seem to be doing a little dance wherever they go. It’s something to... read more...

Experience Cape Town Like a Local

2020-11-05 12:09:59

SEE the City Take an Instawalk If you want to experience a slice of life in Cape Town the way the locals do, then grab your mobile and join one the local Instawalks with CT Instagrammers – no one knows the city like the people who live in it and you’ll very quickly get to... read more...

The Water Wise Guide to Visiting Cape Town

2020-11-05 12:09:59

For some time now, Cape Town residents have grappled with the spectre of Day Zero – the day on which the regular flow of water will be cut by the city, in an effort to deal with the severe drought that is still underway. Happily, Day Zero has been pushed back to 2019, largely through... read more...

Feel the Latin Heat with Carlos Santana

2020-11-05 12:09:59

Rising to prominence through a breakthrough performance at Woodstock in 1969, Carlos Santana has a career that’s spanned over half a century. And now, he’s coming to South Africa. The Legend Of Santana Born in Mexico in 1947, Carlos Santana was taught music from an early age: his father, a mariachi musician, introduced him to... read more...

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